E-ISSN 2536-9520 | ISSN 1110-2047

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    AJVS. 2013; 39(1): 82-90
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  • Physiological and Oxidative Stress Biomarkers in the Freshwater Nile Tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus L., exposed to sublethal doses of cadmium
    Ahmed M. EL-Gazzar, Khalid E. Ashry, Yasser S. El-Sayed
    AJVS. 2014; 40(1): 29-43
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  • Growth Performance, Blood Parameters, Immune response and Carcass Traits of Broiler Chicks Fed on Graded Levels of Wheat Instead of Corn without or With Enzyme Supplementation
    Mohamed I. El-Katcha, Mosaad A. Soltan, Hany F. El-Kanwy, EL-syaed R. kawarie
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  • Growth Performance, Blood Parameters, Immune response and Carcass Traits of Broiler Chicks Fed on Graded Levels of Wheat Instead of Corn without or With Enzyme Supplementation
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  • Physiological and Oxidative Stress Biomarkers in the Freshwater Nile Tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus L., exposed to sublethal doses of cadmium
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