E-ISSN 2536-9520 | ISSN 1110-2047

Original Article
Online Published: 12 Jul 2024

Histopathological Approach to Camelid Hepatitis in One-Humped Camel Slaughter in Aswan Governorate, Egypt

Marwa A. Ahmad.

Many liver illnesses in camels are not recognized ante-mortem and are frequently missed due to vague or nonspecific symptoms. So, determining the histological appearance is a very important first step in the study of camel hepatitis. This study documents the histological changes associated with acute hepatitis in liver samples from camels (Camelus dromedaries) in Egypt's Aswan district. Liver samples were kept in 10 mL of formalin. The paraffin liver slices were stained on slides with hematoxylin and eosin. This is a common histological method for defining various tissue types and morphological changes.
Acute hepatitis was detected in three out of the 43 camels slaughtered at the Aswan Government's Draw slaughterhouse. Acute hepatitis is characterized by a combination of inflammation, hepatocellular apoptosis, necrosis, and a varied mononuclear infilammatory infiltration, mainly lymphocytic, accompanied by a low number of plasma cells.
Kupffer-cell activation, bile-duct damage, and the ductular reaction are additional characteristics.

Key words: Key word: hepatitis, hepatocellular apoptosis, necrosis , Draw abattoir

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Pubmed Style

Marwa A. Ahmad. Histopathological Approach to Camelid Hepatitis in One-Humped Camel Slaughter in Aswan Governorate, Egypt. AJVS. 2024; 82(0): 16-20. doi:10.5455/ajvs.208493

Web Style

Marwa A. Ahmad. Histopathological Approach to Camelid Hepatitis in One-Humped Camel Slaughter in Aswan Governorate, Egypt. https://www.alexjvs.com/?mno=208493 [Access: September 12, 2024]. doi:10.5455/ajvs.208493

AMA (American Medical Association) Style

Marwa A. Ahmad. Histopathological Approach to Camelid Hepatitis in One-Humped Camel Slaughter in Aswan Governorate, Egypt. AJVS. 2024; 82(0): 16-20. doi:10.5455/ajvs.208493

Vancouver/ICMJE Style

Marwa A. Ahmad. Histopathological Approach to Camelid Hepatitis in One-Humped Camel Slaughter in Aswan Governorate, Egypt. AJVS. (2024), [cited September 12, 2024]; 82(0): 16-20. doi:10.5455/ajvs.208493

Harvard Style

Marwa A. Ahmad (2024) Histopathological Approach to Camelid Hepatitis in One-Humped Camel Slaughter in Aswan Governorate, Egypt. AJVS, 82 (0), 16-20. doi:10.5455/ajvs.208493

Turabian Style

Marwa A. Ahmad. 2024. Histopathological Approach to Camelid Hepatitis in One-Humped Camel Slaughter in Aswan Governorate, Egypt. Alexandria Journal of Veterinary Sciences, 82 (0), 16-20. doi:10.5455/ajvs.208493

Chicago Style

Marwa A. Ahmad. "Histopathological Approach to Camelid Hepatitis in One-Humped Camel Slaughter in Aswan Governorate, Egypt." Alexandria Journal of Veterinary Sciences 82 (2024), 16-20. doi:10.5455/ajvs.208493

MLA (The Modern Language Association) Style

Marwa A. Ahmad. "Histopathological Approach to Camelid Hepatitis in One-Humped Camel Slaughter in Aswan Governorate, Egypt." Alexandria Journal of Veterinary Sciences 82.0 (2024), 16-20. Print. doi:10.5455/ajvs.208493

APA (American Psychological Association) Style

Marwa A. Ahmad (2024) Histopathological Approach to Camelid Hepatitis in One-Humped Camel Slaughter in Aswan Governorate, Egypt. Alexandria Journal of Veterinary Sciences, 82 (0), 16-20. doi:10.5455/ajvs.208493

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